In-Home Play Therapy









If your greatest desire is happy kids and a happy family, this is the most important message you’ll ever read!

Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) – the curriculum taught in the In-Home Play Therapy program – is a training program that was created by the top Play Therapists in the world.

Dr. Garry Landreth and Dr. Sue Bratton (considered by many to be the Godfather and Godmother of modern, child-centered Play Therapy) originally published this training in 2006.

CPRT is a 10-week, facilitator-led training program that teaches you how to conduct play therapy sessions with your child so that your child gets the therapy they need, and you build the relationship that transforms your family.

The reason CPRT works so well is because it addresses the root of children’s emotional and behavior dysregulation more completely and thoroughly than any other therapy that I’m aware of.

What sets this training apart are the facilitator led sessions, the weekly play sessions you conduct with your child, and the feedback you get by the facilitator about the play sessions.

And because you already have a relationship foundation with your child, the progress and healing happens quicker, and is more deeply beneficial, than if a therapist would have to start from scratch building a relationship with your child.

You’re ready for your child to get better, and your family to start being happy again!

Play Therapy and CPRT addresses the ROOT of the problem

Before we get to the course outline, let’s review the purpose of this training.

The root of your current struggles is that you have a fundamental breakdown in the RELATIONSHIP with your child.

Play Therapists have been studying this for over 50 years.

What makes Play Therapy skills and techniques so effective, is not the skills or techniques… it’s the RELATIONSHIP the therapist builds with the child.

Typically, in the first three to four weekly sessions, a play therapist and the child go through the bonding or rapport building phase.

The child learns that the therapist unconditionally accepts them as they are. No judgments about their behavior or personality… just unconditional acceptance.

Once the child bonds with the therapist and an environment of healing is created and established, they are then free to work through their issues. Then parents see dramatic changes in the child at home and school.

But make no mistake! The RELATIONSHIP is the key to everything. I like to think of it this way…

If there were a door that you had to walk through to be a happy family, the RELATIONSHIP with your child is the key that opens that door.

What you can look forward to in this training

Over the course of the 10 week training, you will notice your family life looking different!

Kids behave appropriately – Your kids will learn how to self-regulate, self-control, and to behave in self-enhancing ways.

Fun has been restored to your family – Because you’ve introduced a component of PLAY back into the relationship with your kids.

You’ll enjoy being together again – You’re able to do things together as a family that behavior prevented before.

You will be calm and in control – You’ll know how to handle power struggles, outbursts, tantrums, and meltdowns with confidence.

In 10 weeks, you will gain confidence in your skills as a parent.

Regain control as a parent – You’ll be in control of your family situations (in a healthy way, not a “control freak” way!)

Help your child develop self-control – You’ll return responsibility to your child and offer meaningful choices.

Effectively discipline & limit inappropriate behavior – You’ll set effective limits neutrally and calmly.

Understand your child’s emotional needs – You’ll better relate and recognize your child’s feelings and desires.

Communicate more effectively with your child – You’ll notice cues and gain perspective that you didn’t have before.

You will learn the Basic Principles, Philosophies, and Beliefs of Play Therapy that build the relationship with your child

“Being With”

Possibly you’ve heard the phrase “be present” with the person you’re interacting with to have deeper, more meaningful communication. This is especially true for kids. To emotionally connect with your child, CPRT teaches you how to “be with” them.

Focus On The Relationship

The RELATIONSHIP is the key to happy parents and kids. Skills and techniques help to build the relationship, but are not the reason the system works. Stay focused on the relationship.

Recognizing Feelings

Kids are emotional, not rational. To connect with them, you must first recognize their feelings and reflect it back to them. Reflecting Feelings is the first, most  foundational skill you will learn.

Setting Limits

Everyone wants to know effective discipline techniques. But limit setting is more than just correcting behavior – it allows the child to develop self-control and self-regulation.


Almost all power struggles stem from a feeling of powerlessness. Giving choices to your children is an integral tool to empower them to feel more in control of their circumstances, but also practice decision making skills.


Every child must develop a healthy sense of self to behave in self-enhancing ways among family and peers. You will learn the formula for helping your child to discover who they are and what they are capable of.

Encouragement Vs. Praise

You will NEVER have to say “Good Job!” again. Praise is crippling for kids, so you will learn the difference, and why encouragement provides kids with what they need to persevere, problem solve, and become internally motivated.

CPRT: Expectations and requirements

So that we can ensure your success in this program, there are certain things that your facilitator and I expect from you, and things that you can expect from us.

From You:

10 week commitment – Only about 2 months to a completely transformed relationship.

30-minute weekly play sessions in the home – You get to have FUN with your child!

Completing homework assignments – Helpful skill based practice for real life parenting moments.

Obtaining materials and toys – You probably already have most of them.

Video-recording of home play sessions – So that we can give you immediate feedback and encouragement.

“I can do it” attitude! – Because you can and we will help you every step of the way.

From me and your Facilitator:

Training materials – All material and curriculum provided and included.

Instruction – Weekly training videos and modules to teach you everything you need.

Email support – Questions along the way? Just reach out.

Encouragement – Support and pep-talks freely given.

Feedback – Weekly review of homework, play sessions, and practice so that you can hone your skills.

The Disclaimer That Couldn’t Be Any Plainer!

How successful you are at this program is dependent on many factors, but mostly on how hard you work, and how seriously you accept and believe in the play therapy core philosophies, and how often you practice and use the skills and techniques.

Everyone gets something from this program. But the participants that get RADICAL changes in their family for the better, put the hard work in because they believe their family’s future is worth it.

Everyone’s individual results will vary, but those that take this training seriously and work hard, get the best results. It’s that simple.

So now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let’s look at what you learn each week.


CPRT: Week-by-week

Every week, you will log into the online training site. The week is usually structured by watching several videos of me teaching you the week’s training.

Then there is a weekly homework component (it’s really easy and very practical!)

In weeks 4-10, you will conduct a 30-minute, special play session with your child, focusing on the single skill learned that week.

Finally, each week, you will meet with your facilitator over a Zoom video conference call to go over the homework, watch your play sessions, and give you feedback on the course content.

Here are the topics learned week-by-week:


  • Week 1: Laying the foundation for building a better relationship
  • Week 2: “Being with” your child
  • Week 3: Play sessions do’s and don’ts
  • Week 4: Limit Setting (A-C-T)
  • Week 5: Why to use Limit Setting
  • Week 6: Choice Giving 101 & common problems in play sessions
  • Week 7: Esteem building responses
  • Week 8: Encouragement vs. praise
  • Week 9: Advanced Limit Setting & Limit Setting outside the play session
  • Week 10: Things to remember & overview

After week 10, we encourage you to continue your play sessions with your child-of-focus, or you can start play sessions with another child.

We have support options available beyond the 10-week CPRT course to help you continue and better your Play Therapy skills.

Most importantly, you are in The Kid Counselor “Family”, which means you have access to a community forum, moderated by Play Therapists, podcasts, videos, and tons of blog posts that will reinforce and help you “tweak” your new skills.

CPRT is just the beginning of your journey towards happy kids and a happy family! We will be with you every step of the way.

The In-Home Play Therapy Program – WHAT YOU GET!

▶ Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Curriculum

▶ 30+ On-Demand Videos

▶ Downloadable Worksheets

▶ 1-Hour Facilitator Led Feedback Sessions per Week

▶ Lifetime Access to the Training

Registration Closes In:








I’m Also Giving You 5 FREE Bonuses Worth $1,950 If You Join My In-Home Play Therapy Program

If you know anything about me, then you know that I always over-deliver. I actually care about the results that you get and that’s why I’ll go the extra mile for you.

To make sure you get results from this, I’m giving you 5 FREE bonuses worth $1,950.

Here’s what I’ve got for you:

How to Make and Use a Feelings Chart
(value: $27)

An online training video and all the print-outs you need to teach your child how to develop an emotional vocabulary. This reduces tantrums, meltdowns, and behavior struggles because they can communicate with you better.

101+ Encouragement Phrases
(value: $27)

An online video training and a list of more than 100 examples of how to use encouragement in your home with your kids. When you learn to encourage your kids rather than praise, you build their self-confidence, self-esteem, and their self-worth. The better kids feel about themselves, the better they behave.

“Device Detox – A Parent’s Guide to Reducing Device Usage, Preventing Tantrums, and Raising Happier Kids”
(value: $197)

Device Detox is an online video training series, based on my book of the same name, with practice worksheets and examples. One of the leading causes of behavior struggles and high levels of anxiety right now is screen addiction and device overuse. This is a system and framework to help find balance without the behavior issues.

Beyond the Workbook
(value: $197)

This is a 13 week video training to encourage you, equip you, and help you continue play sessions with your child after completing the 10 week CPRT program. Once you complete the 10 weeks in your group with your therapist facilitator, you will want to continue playing with your child so that you both continue to get the benefit of everything you both have learned.

5 Live “Roundtable” Group Coaching Sessions with Dr. Brenna Hicks
(value: $1,500)

Live, hour-long, bi-weekly Zoom calls with Dr. Brenna Hicks allows you to ask questions, get feedback, hear examples, stories, and other encouragement as you work through this 10 week In-Home Play Therapy program.

This entire program, training, and $1,950 in bonuses comes to just $175 per week!

Compare that to in-office therapy…

Taking your child to therapy typically runs $125-$225 depending on the education and skill level of the therapist. Also, the national average number of weeks a child goes to therapy is 20 weeks!

So taking your child to a therapist might cost $2,500 to $4,500, depending on the therapist!

With CPRT, you’re not only getting therapy for your child, but you’re getting invaluable parenting training at the same time!

And it’s compressed into a 10-week program.

We encourage you to continue your play sessions with your child past 10 weeks, so that your child gets the full course of therapy needed to properly work through their issues. But you’ll have all the training you’ll need already completed in just 10 weeks.

Payment is processed online, via credit card, in two equal, monthly payments of $875.

I’m so confident that you’ll like this program, if at any time you no longer wish to participate, you will receive a pro-rated refund, and you will only be charged for the weeks you received training.

Here’s what to do next…


If you’d like to gain a happy family with happy kids with a simple framework that helps you build a healthy relationship with your kids, you’ll have to register for my In-Home Play Therapy program.

You can join the program for two monthly payments of $875. (that comes to $175 per week).

So think about this question for a second…

If tomorrow you woke up and your greatest parenting struggles were gone, how would your life be different?

Isn’t working 10 weeks to learn a new, more effective way of interacting with your kids worth it?

This course is an INVESTMENT in your family!

All you need to do is to click on the link below and sign up for my In-Home Play Therapy program.

If you feel like this is right for you, click here, and sign up for my In-Home Play Therapy program and get $1,950 worth of FREE bonuses.

Here’s What Happens After That…

As soon as you’ve signed up for my In-Home Play Therapy program, you’ll be taken to a page with a short form to fill out so that I can get to know you better. Please fill that out, it’s important!

You’ll also receive your login information to access the trainings.

And of course, you’ll get the $1,950 worth of FREE bonuses and other resources that help you get started building a better relationship with your kids.

If you feel like this is right for you, click here, and sign up for my In-Home Play Therapy program and get $1,950 worth of FREE bonuses.

Registration Closes In:








Now, you and I both know that I’ll get a ton of interest from this, and that’s why you need to read this next part carefully:


In order to provide you with the support you NEED in order to get the results you want for your family, I can only work with a maximum of 45 parents at the same time.

I simply don’t have capacity for more.

I have therapist/facilitators that will hold your hand, meet with you over Zoom calls each week, and make sure that you’re successful in this program. They can only handle so many participants at a time!!

This is the most comprehensive and thorough Play Therapy course available. If you are interested, you need to act now.

The class is starting soon so time is a factor.

Once the timer on this page hits 00:00:00:00 registration will close and the class will start a few days later. But it might sell out much earlier because of the extremely limited seats available.

There are 222 people on the early-bird notification list.

And there are another 2,841 people on Facebook, 1,235 on my email list, 3,038 followers on Pinterest, and over 500 subscribers to my podcast, who have all received notifications that registration is open, and they might just act on this offer just because I’m opening a new class…

So if you’re truly interested in building a better relationship with your kids, you have to act ASAP (right now!) …before someone else gets your spot… and they get the happy kids and happy family they dream about…

Oh – And in case you’re wondering.

Spots are granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you feel like this is right for you, click here, and sign up for my In-Home Play Therapy program and get $1,950 worth of FREE bonuses.

Registration Closes In:






